Thursday, October 22, 2009

I've been experimenting

Fitting that for an experiment i have chosen a picture of what used to be the science block at Westwood school. I've not really used this technique much before and thought it was time i gave it another go, what do you think?


  1. I think it's great!

    What software did you use to create it?

  2. I'm assuming this would be considered HDR. Is this a single shot or multiples? I do like the ominous look to the clouds.

  3. It's really good - I like the way it seems to turn a photograph almost into a painting.

  4. The shot is a HDR from a single RAW file, processed in Lightroom to turn it into 3 shots and the merged in Photomatixs. i am going to do some more over the coming weeks as i love the effect.

  5. It's really good - you know it takes a lot to impress me!


  6. Brett! You know I love this one! You are feeding my addiction! I am guessing that if you would not have processed it as HDR...the building would have been either underexposed or the sky/clouds would have been blown out. With this process both are perfect and the sky adds so much!



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