Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ladderedge shop

Ladderedge shop, what used to be the old post office


  1. This is the first time I've hit on your blog. What wonderful photographs. I'd love to spend some time browsing in this little store...

    Great job!

  2. Great photos indeed! Welcome to the Daily Bloggers!

  3. Well... the postbox is still there... ;-)

  4. I love these shots that just depict life as it is, especially because the landscape of daily life can change so drastically very quickly.

  5. There's so much going on in this photo I had to take a number of looks at it to catch what I did. In fact - look number three - after reading the comment - showed me the post box.

  6. Still waiting for the snow here. It's a little picture postcard.

  7. Thankyou so much for taking this wonderful picture i was born 3 houses up from the post office in 1950.. still have scar on my wrist when i tripped with a bottle of dandellion and burdoch,,instiiled alot of memories as do the other pics

  8. I used to buy my sweets here in the 1950s and the other shop a little bit further up the road now long since gone.


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